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BelAmi Megapost


Last week Timothy Blue made the jump from Freshmen to BelAmi and now sexy newcomer Olaf Mortensen is making the jump to. Jason Bacall is the lucky stud welcoming Olaf to the site. Before you know it Olaf is on all fours with Jason's handsome face buried in that sweet ass. Olaf is a total natural and he can't get enough of Jason fucking him with that bare cock. Olaf blows his load and then dive right in to riding Jason. Finally Jason spray his cum all over that fuzzy peach before milking a second cumshot out of Olaf. Make sure you also check out Jason Topping Paul Cassidy and his Foursome with Eluan, Kieran & Bastian.



BelAmi is also delivering a superhot scene starring Justin Saradon & Jim Durden. Jim is instantly smitten with Justin and can't wait to drop to his knees to service that hard uncut cock. I love watching Jim tongue that smooth ass, getting Justin ready to get fucked. The guys end up in bed together with Jim pounding away at Justin from behind. Justin climbs on top of Jim and rides this hottie until they both cum. Make sure you also check out Jim Topping Orri Aasen and Justin Bottoming for Jordan Faris.


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