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BelAmi Megapost


BelAmi is bringing together Ashton Montana & Paolo Arreola for and Easter Celebration. The shoot is actually from last year and follows the guys exploring the traditional holiday markets in Prague. Once they're back home Ashton strips out of his giant bunny suit and gets to work playing with Paolo's uncut cock. Paolo really gets into Ashton stroking him and can't resist helping out his buddy as well. Finally both hottie's reach their climax and cum all over those tight abs. Make sure you also check out Ashton Bottoming for Riff Dornan and his debut video Getting barebacked by Jerome Exupery.



Down in Cape Town BelAmi's Jambo Africa series is going strong. The latest episode stars Justin Saradon & Jordan Faris in an incredible outdoor scene. This horny duo enjoy a shower out in the open before Jordan swallows Justin's dick. I love seeing Justin spread wide open with Jordan working that hole with his tongue and fingers. Justin takes that bare cock like a champ and can't wait to ride this sexy top. Jordan gets hosed down by a big messy load before Justin milks his spunk out of him. Make sure you also check out Jordan Bottoming for Enrique Vera and Justin's Threesome with Jack Harrer & Kevin Warhol.


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