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Comments (13)


He is sooo hot. If Ihad my way with him, I get him all naked, I would suck his pubes off, and make him fuck me hard. Oh yeah!!!


Justin--Yes, I get that we all have different tastes, but when you write "somebody's been telling this boy he's cuter than he actually is", well that is not an opinion. That's an unproven statement and a judgement. And yes, you have the right to do that-----just as I have the right to point it out


John...it's called personal opinion, not passing judgement. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is allowed to have one. Wiley....believe me it has nothing to do with the boy's skin color, I date black, white, asian, latino...and from years of getting to know people I can recognize someone desperately trying to be something their not. I appreciate the site owner posting my comments...just because someone has a different opinion on what's attractive, or "fine" as you say, doesn't make them wrong.


whats the name of the song in the background please tell me its as hot as him


Insanely cute!


I agree- This is a fun vid. And why does judgement on what's cute have to be a part of Justin's comment?


The boy is hott....even though I would like to see him bust one....






You're extra,baby.
I love you.


justin, what are you talking about? that boy's fine as hell. you must not like guys of color b/c i'm black, attractive and have had some of rudest comments from guys who don't like black guys saying "oh you're just not attractive to me" or "you're not my type". being told that when you're in your late teens and early 20s, fucks up your self esteem and confidence.

to the webmaster: thanks for finding this vid. i like his attitude and i'd suck that dick and eat that ass out for awhile if i could :)


nice hes pretty sexy lil dude


Bust a nut right quick is right....I don't anyone who can do it in less than 2 minutes.........that other video is just corny....somebody's been telling this boy he's cuter than he actually is.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 27, 2008 10:47 AM.

The previous post in this blog was 1212lucas1212.

The next post in this blog is Daily Dudetube.

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