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Monday Porn Roundup


Helix Studios is pulling out all the stops for their Wet 2: Heatwave Orgy. Josh Brady, Chase Williams, Garrett Kinsley, Seth Peterson, Silas Brooks & Noah Bentley all have fun skinny dipping in the pool before heading inside for some intense oral action. Noah rides Josh's bare cock while Silas pounds away at Garrett. Seth & Noah end up on the coach with Garrett & Silas fucking their asses. Josh has some one on one time barebacking Chase before everyone blows their loads. Make sure you check out all the Wet 2: Heatwave Orgy action at Helix Studios.



Gustavo Cruz is back at Tim Tales to break in newcomer Thiago Da Silva. I love seeing the guys out on the terrace with Thiago servicing Gustavo's uncut meat. Gustavo really lets loose barebacking this bottom's sweet ass. Thiago ends up upside down with Gustavo stuffing him from above. Thiago rides that dick until Gustavo cums all over him. Make sure you also check out Gustavo's videos with Oskar, Delan & Bruno.


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