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Thursday Porn Roundup


I'm so excited to see Adrian Hart & Avery Jones paired up in the latest CockyBoys update. This duo has amazing chemistry and Avery can't get enough of worshiping Adrian's impressive tool. Avery ends up on all fours with Adrian hammering away at him from behind. Adrian flips Avery on his back and stuffs this twink until they both explode. Make sure you also check out Adrian Topping Zeke Woods and Avery Bottoming for Dante Colle.



It's breakfast time at BelAmi with Marcel Gassion & Matt Thurman. Marcel decides he's hungry for something meatier and dives right in to sucking Matt's uncut cock. Matt works Marcel open with his fingers before burying his bare cock deep inside. I love watching Marcel rides Matt and he ends the video covered in cum. Make sure you also check out Marcel Bottoming for Antony Lorca and Matt Bottoming for Christian Lundgren.


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