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BelAmi Megapost


BelAmi is bringing together Enrique Vera & Dylan Maguire for a Sex Safari update. After a hit make out session this horny duo dives right in to sucking those hard uncut cocks. Enrique takes control, bending Dylan over the bed so he can slam that sweet ass from behind. Dylan rides that dick like a champ before getting the cum fucked right out him. Enrique pounds Dylan some more before cumming all over that hole. Make sure you also check out Dylan Bottoming for Yannis Paluan & Enrique Topping Jason Bacall.



Newcomer Roan Birkin is making his debut this week at BelAmi's Freshmen. The site has had great luck with Birkins and I think Roan will be no exception. Roan has been a huge hit on BelAmiChat and I'm so excited to see him make the jump to Freshmen. This blond stud looks incredible in this photoshoot and I can't wait to see Roan in action with the rest of the BelAmi hunks.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2020 10:35 AM.

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The next post in this blog is NumberOne_XXX.

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