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Comments (3)


DV, a fetish is a fetish. I have seen more bizzare fetishes and have participated in a few. I have no problem cumming in his shoe if he will cum on my face. Yes, that is my fetish!

I've never been sure why someone would want to smell a sneaker. Licking a boot on command is one thing, and I've sucked lovers' toes while I fucked them but I admit I was secretly hoping they were relatively clean. Why someone would want to cum into a shoe I cannot fathom. Can someone explain it to me? I've always prided myself on being as perverted as they come but this I truly do not understand.


Very handsome stud with a great body and cock who is both physically and verbally in total arousal makes for one extremely hot and prolonged video!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 13, 2011 7:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Friday Porn Roundup.

The next post in this blog is PopNLock92.

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