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Every time I think the FratPad has reached the pinnacle of hotness these studs prove me wrong. I've had a big crush on blond muscle hunk Payne since I first saw him and lately he's been putting on some of the sexiest shows I've seen. I also think Jayden & Shay are the hottest pair in Pad history and they never disappoint. New Pledge Marshall just joined the house a couple of days ago and has tons of potential. So head on over to the FratPad and tell Leo, Max, Payne, Jayden, Shay, Dallas, Kumar & Marshall that Dudetube sent ya.


Comments (2)


Shay's eyes kill me everytime!

Gideon S.:

I like how Leo is the only "constant" in the house. He's the Martian Manhunter to the Fratpad's Justice League.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 3, 2009 3:15 PM.

The previous post in this blog was smooth_James.

The next post in this blog is cooliodog10771.

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