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Comments (23)


does anyone know where i can find this video? i can't find it anywhere!


I've found the file on the following website.


And on the video there is a link to another website called: gaycams.nm.ru (please mind that this website could be dangerous)

ok so? is the guy jerking straight ?? im confused

osito de papi:

Hot video....man, that is a big beautiful dangling cock and balls. But would have preferred to see him fuck the black guy's face and see more of him. Was hot that he came into his mouth!


...Yeah I also remember the guy that had the account blowing off a 'nazi' guy. Pretty interesting.


wow this is a hot vid, would love to see more. Hot guys!


and does anyone know what is the xtube profil we can find this movie and hopefully others of the same boy(s)!!??


This isn't an exclusive.

This video is pretty old. There's actually more to this and it includes the other guy as well.

but yeah this isn't an exclusive .. I seen this a year or two back when surfing for porn one day.


This was originally posted on xtube quite some time ago.

the scenario (as far as i can remember) is that the guy being sucked off is 'straight' and the black guy paid him to come in and get sucked off.

his friend in the red top apparently didn't want to be on video and/or be there while his mate was getting sucked (can't remember which).

i wish i could remember which profile it appeared on as it was the black dude's profile and he had done stuff with other 'straight' guys.


uncut dick, hanging balls... lovely !!!!!!


Here are my thoughts on the subject:

The video is a Dudetube Exclusive? The colour scheme of the player is the dudetube green & black. If the Matt in the clip is dudetube Matt then WOWZA you are a stunning! he may have gotten a bud to agree to doing the movie but his pal was uncomfortable with him being in the room at the same time. Think about it. If you were straight and had a gay friend (most likely) pay you to be in a vid for his booming website you'd prob want the cash but not your pal getting off while you were doing the deed. He prob doesn't know the black guy and never plans on seeing him again, therefore he doesn't care what he sees since he's not someone he will have to face often in the future. Does this make any sense lol or am I a bumbling fool?

Gay Iowan:

Hot video. Matt should have stayed, watched, joined, whatever.... To link to the site of this video, just click the little box with the arrow.


The black dood used to have an xtube account, he also had sex with Matt, has vids with him. From what I understand, the black guy trades for sex with these boys along with other cute guys.


Seems to me like the two buds went to the third guys house with the intention of him filming them and sucking them off. Since they are not bf's, perhaps he was too shy to do it in front of his friend?


We're all asking the same questions haha. It's a very hot video!


Wow!!! That was really hot!!!! Imagine if all both dudes busted in that guy's mouth...


this is such a confusing yet hot video. the guy said he cant jack off in front of matt who btw is super hot ...but "matt isnt his bf". who is the cocksucker? more more more! and yeah what website is this from?


I couldn't understand the scenario either. Did the guy have to leave the room because he was the "wanker"'s boyfriend. Why were they filming? And was it straight porn the guy was watching? He was certainly struggling to pull it off. Wrong guy definately left the room though. Someone pleeease translate.


That's lovely. Who's the onlooker I wonder. He's very cute.


are there any more? what site or username posted this video? doesn't seem like an xtube vid


This is hot where exactly is this from? More?


I want to know what was the deal with Matt. Why did he have to leave? Matt is cute as fuck and definitely should have been there/participated. What the story with these two? And who was that lucky guy slurping on that cock? This video has left me horny and intrigued


hot, love to see more


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 22, 2009 9:52 AM.

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