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Comments (13)

marco italy:

you are the most sexy boy that I have seen on this site
by marco


Hope to see a pair of lips around that cock of yours someday in a video! ;o)


That kid's cock is totally beyond belief!! I was gonna say I hope he appreciates the gift he's got between his legs, but judging by the number of vids he's posted to xtube featuring that magnificant boner of his, I guess he is aware of its awesomeness! Lucky fucker!!


Damn, dude... you keep getting hotter and hotter in your videos. My dick shot straight up looking at yours and that body of yours. ;) Good work, keep it up!


kudos.. the slow strip-tease for the 1st 1:30 before we see it ALL was a great lead-on.. thanks


I fell in love with you the first vid I saw of yours!!! I wish I could show you just how much I love you!


Fuck me. He's Dirk Diggler's bigger brother!

gray hunt:

He should have hiss own website and post a video each day, just the two of them (the bod and the monster sticking out of it) More, More, More!



damn, is he having a growth spurt as we watch? this dick actually looks bigger than it did last week!
no doubt the hottest thing to be seen on dudetube in quite awhile. [even though everything else is hot, just not THIS hot.]


He IS absolutely beautiful!


by far the hottest most adorable man on xtube and dudetube. love the eyes, body, hairy legs, face, torso, and that beautiful cock. wow bro u are a complete package. you ever for hire? i would spend the bank on a evening with you. yummmmmm meeeee

Steve in NJ:

That is just too fucking YUMMY! I would love to see him in action with another guy...if he can find anyone who can handle that monster cock! (I volunteer to try!!)


It's a great morning waking up to YOU all juiced up and playful for us again...Your vids are my favorites, man...I would love to hear from you and will be checking my aol email, hehe.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 10, 2008 9:30 AM.

The previous post in this blog was maverickman22.

The next post in this blog is pagoatios.

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