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Comments (5)


I liked the music a lot.

John Simpson:

wow.......pretty damn hot.

Interesting! The first clip was all about belts and buckles and not much else. The second clip, the first piss clip I've seen on this site, was hot and nasty but would have been so much better with a "live" soundtrack instead of the music they chose. Seeing that cute cocksucker squat for so long made my knees ache but he had two nice cocks to suck on! The third clip was a hot situation, but once again would have been enhanced by a "live" soundtrack and the sound of voices giving the cocksucker orders. He was their willing slave, why not take full advantage of it when one can?


very handsome hyper-male guys. Second video has a gorgeous foamy happy end.


Very, very hot!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 22, 2010 9:42 AM.

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The next post in this blog is HornyBoyinPA.

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