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Daily Dudetube


I'm sure a bunch of you longtime readers recognize HappyCross. He's been a fun part of Dudetube Chat and the long lost bloggersnaps. Two years ago he met his current boyfriend in the Dudetube Chatroom and they've been together ever since. What better way to celebrate their anniversary then through the site that randomly brought them together. I wish them a lot of love and lust in their future.


I was outta town last week so we didn't have an organized Dudetube Group Chat. We'll be having a get-together tonight at 10 PM Eastern Standard Time. Don't worry if you can't come until later, they usually go pretty late. So head on over to the Dudetube Chat Room and who knows maybe you'll find your future boyfriend.
image via Suave Bastard

Comments (2)


...and i plan to make you cum for years.

everyday with you is better then the last.

love you so much!


Aww that's so cool that Happycross met his boyfriend on the chat!! How cute! I wish them all the happiness in the world! I also met a really good online buddy through your chat almost 2 years ago and we've been awesome international online pals ever since! Dudetube, your site creates awesome friendships!! :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 2, 2010 8:18 AM.

The previous post in this blog was mike526.

The next post in this blog is TotallyNuts.

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