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Comments (9)


U could really put the "jack" in jack-o-lantern.. "jack-o-latern" could take on a hole.. err.. whole new meaning.. lookin' for your Halloween vid.. carving eyes, nose, mouth.. mouth for the action of course.. thanks.


I've heard of strawberries and cream but watermelon and cream? Hmmm...I think I'd like to try some...of his!!! What a cutie!


omg, he's depraved! i would love to meet him.


how does he test the fruit at the supermarket?


Wonder if you can get that kind of dressing at your local restaraunt. ;)

I'd like to fuk a "fruit"

Tony & Jason:

Dude you are way cute keep in touch with us late !


oh wow....now that was hot....I busted a nut when you ate the cum seeded mellon slice...you can toss my fruit salad any time you want!!!


Gosh you give a whole new meaning to the word fruit. Love what you have done. Try a carrot up the ass. Keep up the good work.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 19, 2008 8:35 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Fratpad: Taylor.

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