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Daily Dudetube


The breakout star of this season of MTV's The Hills is Kelly Cutrone owner of PR company People's Revolution. You might remember Kelly from a past season when she gave LC a rough time for asking for additional fashion show tickets. Kelly was also recently featured on True Life: I'm Going To Fashion Week and Jezebel has a clip of her in all her crazy bitchy glory.


You guys really enjoyed the vintage Tony Ward pics from last week. Here's a recent pic of the still smoking Tony shot by the amazing Jack Pierson. Here's a couple more of vintage Tony just for fun. Remember you can check out tons of pic at Tony's website.


Comments (6)


the ass on this guy is amazing!!!


i remember that photo series from a long time ago. kinda dates me, doesn't it? nou sure whether the guy was hotter then or now!!!!!


Oh my- this man is one of the most attractive men ive seen in my life. Hands down!


I wonder how old he is now?

I ran into him on Valentine's Day at Rick Castro's S&M Show in Hollywood:



He still so amazingly beautiful.

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